Misinformation Policy
Certain types of misleading or deceptive content with serious risk of egregious harm are not allowed on Eline Mart. This includes certain types of misinformation that can cause real-world harm, like promoting harmful remedies or treatments, certain types of technically manipulated content, or content interfering with democratic processes.
Don’t post content on Eline Mart if it fits any of the descriptions below:
If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content/complete listing and send you a notification to let you know.
Eline Mart doesn’t allow anything that artificially increases the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics either by using automatic systems or serving up promotional activities to unsuspecting viewers. Also, content that solely exists to incentivize users for engagement (views, ratings, comments, etc) is prohibited.
Account that don't follow this policy may be terminated and removed from Eline Mart.
If you hire someone to illegitimate/unlawful promote your product/listing, their decisions may impact your account. Any method that violates our policies may result in content/product/listing removal or a account termination, whether it's an action taken by you or someone you've hired.
If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content/complete listing and send you a notification to let you know.
Links that send users to websites featuring content that violates our Guidelines are not allowed on Eline Mart.
Don’t post links in your content on Eline Mart if they direct users to content that violates our Guidelines. This includes links that fit any of the descriptions noted below.
Note: The above list isn’t complete.
This policy applies to product, product description, images, images description, videos, video descriptions, comments, and any other product or feature. Keep in mind that this isn't a complete list.
Thumbnails and other images that violate our Guidelines aren’t allowed on Eline Mart. Images include banners, posts, and any other feature that has images.
Don’t post a thumbnail or other image on Eline Mart if it shows:
Note: The above list isn’t complete.
If your thumbnail contains pornography, we may terminate your account. If your thumbnail violates other policies, we’ll remove the content/complete listing and send you a notification to let you know.
Language that violate our Guidelines aren’t allowed on Eline Mart. Don’t post anything on Eline Mart if it shows:<> - Use of sexually explicit language or narratives
Note: The above list isn’t complete.
This policy applies to product, product description, images, images description, videos, video descriptions, comments, and any other product or feature. Keep in mind that this isn't a complete list.
If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content.
We may terminate your account for repeated violations of the Guidelines or Terms of Service. We may also terminate your account after a single case of severe abuse, or when the user account is dedicated to a policy violation.